The qube³ system is based on the well-known Corpuls³ defib/monitor and consists of a fully functional ECG monitor with integrated AED function, CPR feedback and a dynamic 12-lead ECG.
Features Overview
The qube3T simulation system, based on the Corpuls³, consists of an ECG monitor with a fully integrated AED function and a dynamic 12-lead ECG, a wireless control unit for instructors, and an external skill trainer for auscultation, blood glucose and temperature measurements on the patient.
Features Overview
The qube AIRFLOW ventilation sensor supports your team in training sufficient ventilation and preventing hyperventilation. For even more precision in training!
The qubeAIRFLOW sensor has the following functions:
Connection: The qubeAIRFLOW is wirelessly connected to the qubeCONTROLLER via Bluetooth. It can therefore be flexibly integrated into your simulation training. Compatibility: The sensor of the qubeAIRFLOW integrates perfectly into your existing simulation systems of the qubeSERIES and is compatible with any surface. Compact: The qubeAIRFLOW sensor weighs only 100g and is about 65mm x 70mm in size. Its battery lasts about 8 hours.
Hardware Set qube “Large”
Hardware Set qube “Medium”